In this section you can see a selection of contemporary artworks for sale by Romano Serafini.
Since 2018 the artists Marco Victor Romano and Germano Serafini have been working together on the creation of contemporary artworks, site-specific installations and interactive spaces. artworks for sale
For the production of the artworks they use both analogical and digital techniques.

4100K San Menna Luci – POSTER
50 € (50×70 cm)
25 € (35×50 cm)
Ink-jet print on blueback paper
100 copies signed (by size), numbered and retouched by hand.

_UNA Serie San Menna n°0015 – POSTER
50 € (70×50 cm)
25 € (50×35 cm)
Ink-jet print on blueback paper
100 copies signed (by size), numbered and retouched by hand.
24:24 Epiphanìa – Artist’s book
340 € 22,5 x 31,5 x 4,3 (cm)
Artist’s book
Produced for the 24:24 Epiphanìa exhibition.
Text by Giovanna Calabrese
Edition of 48 copies, signed and numbered
84 pages, wood cover, led, 3D printing, passion