Workshop basics watercolour

Workshop the Basics of Watercolour by Marco Victor Romano
both ONLINE and in-person (28 hours)

The Workshop the Basics of Watercolour provides the fundamental knowledge of this technique.
The aim is to teach all the phases and the right timing of this discipline and to lead to the learning of the appropriate tools: brushes, papers, colours, palettes and all those tricks that allow you to obtain transparent watercolours, light and with the appropriate shades. The student will be accompanied during the lessons in order to be able to reproduce subjects from images and live.

Il workshop le basi dell’acquerello


Introduction to watercolour
Knowledge of watercolour tools
The basics of colour theory
Paper preparation and choice
Principles of the construction method in two-dimensional drawing
Comparison with the great watercolour masters
Light in watercolour
The phases and times of watercolouring
Composition and Inspiration

(the workshop starts with a minimum of 5 participants)

For further information and course details, please write to: (indicating Name, Surname, telephone number, email and course title).
Click here for information about the teacher Marco Victor Romano

© Romano|Serafini
The material presented on this site consists of original works by Romano Serafini. It may not be reproduced, archived or transmitted. It may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.